eHealth Small Business

Getting to know our small business owners &
building products to meet their needs

User Research, Persona Creations, UX Design



After discovering areas of opportunity with our Small Business Group, eHealth led several initiatives to help create experience to capture a new group of underserved customers, tools to allow our agents to be more efficient, and to move the business online.

My role in this project was assisting our director and outside user researcher in conducting the research, and partnering with product to create improvements uncovered through that research.



Identify customer needs through user research, create alignement amongst stakeholders through the creation of personas, develop products that helped digitize the business, and bring the manual process of selling Small Business Insurance online.



Step 1: User research


Small business owners with 2-10 employees in the health, tech and professional services sectors who either have health insurance, has provided before, or who plans on enrolling in the future.



General information (industry, # of employees, general stresses), Insurance needs, how they bought their insurance, future needs, previous experiences shopping for plans, how do they use their insurance, what causes them to switch



Validate assumptions, figure out what tools to build


Presentation of findings, spreadsheet of findings stakeholders could use to parse through data easily, stakeholder persona workshop to create personas to use in product development.

Step 2: Putting what we learned into action


Gather requirements + goals of site enhancements, review with product manager, cross section with research 


Design Proposal + Stakeholder feedback

First round of designs created, then reviewed by key stakeholders for feedback. Reviewed by product, design, and engineering, and executed.


A/B Testing +Iteration

Proposed designed tested in A/B setting to determine user feedback and if success metrics met. If not, review designs and revise based off learning.

Site Enhancements

eHealth Small Business Homepage

Starting from the top of the funnel, we wanted to optimize our homepage and set the right expectation for our users. From our research we learned that our users wanted to know:

  1. They were going to be able to talk to a real person, and not a foreign call center (addition of agent photos)

  2. Be able to to actually see quotes online, not just have their information captured for someone to call them later

  3. More about Small Business insurance. As their guide to shopping for small business insurance we wanted to provide them with the information they needed to know when shopping for plans for their employees.

Stakeholders: Product Management, Sales, SEO, Marketing

Census Redesign

We learned from our initial user research that our old census page was long, off-putting, and in general not an ideal user experience.
So we had an initiative to redesign the old census page to improve UI, improve completion rate, and get more qualified leads.

One feature of this design was set up to create the ability to turn on/off the requirement for leads and simplify the amount of information the user needed to input to get a quote. While we did not want to impact the customer experience, we also wanted to allow our agents to gather qualified leads when our lead sources were not providing enough to keep them on the phones selling.

Stakeholders: Product Management, Sales


Small Business Resource Guide

One thing we learned about our Small Business users was that they wanted insurance for their businesses, but didn’t always understand how it worked and more importantly if they could afford it. So we created a digital resource guide where they could find the information that they wanted to know and view frequently asked questions.

Stakeholders: Marketing, Product Management, SEO
